
My Projects

Here are some projects to demonstrate my skills

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Minesweeper Game

Personal project

A web-based minesweeper game built with Vue 3, fully responsive in order to play on any device from desktop to mobile, supports offline play.

Develop the entire application

Vue.js, SASS, Bootstrap5, TypeScript, PWA

January, 2024 - January, 2024

Realtime Learning Platform

School project

A system that allows teachers to create, edit and present presentations within a group of students and interact with them in realtime, the project is based on the idea of Google Slide x Kahoot.

Develop the frontend of the system

React.js, React Bootstrap, Bootstrap5,, TypeScript, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, PostgreSQL

November, 2022 - January, 2023

Presento & Presenti

School project

A system for creating, editing and publishing presentations in order to gather anonymous votes. The system consists of 2 web applications: - Presento for presenters to create, edit and publish presentations. - Presenti for users to vote.

Develop all frontend applications

React.js, Bootstrap5, Next.js,, TypeScript, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, PostgreSQL, Docker

January, 2023 - April, 2023

Presento & Presenti

Vue Dashboard

Internship project

A dashboard-type web application built with Vue 3. Built during the internship period to learn Vue 3 based on the Vuestic Admin dashboard.

Develop the FE app and an express BE app

Vue.js, Express.js, JavaScript, i18n

June, 2022 - September, 2022

Vue Dashboard

Trading Dashboard

School project

A web application for monitoring stock prices in realtime and uses ML models to predict price changes.

Develop the frontend of the system

React.js, Ant Design, TradingView Lightweight Charts,, TypeScript

August, 2023 - September, 2023

H2A Crowdfunding

School project

Web3 application, an IDO platform using Ethereum (ETH) on testnet to make transactions.

Develop the frontend of the system

React.js, Ant Design, Thirdweb, TypeScript

August, 2023 - September, 2023

Football Leagues Management

School project

A dashboard-type web application for managing football leagues.

Develop the frontend of the system

React.js, Material UI, Express.js, TypeScript, MongoDB

March, 2022 - May, 2022

Coloring Puzzle

School project

An AI project written in Python that uses different kind of AI algorithms to solve the puzzle by correctly coloring each cell with an appropriate color.

Design & implement GUI

Python, Tkinter, PySAT

August, 2022 - October, 2022

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